An abstract proposal should contain 1,000 words. We recommend allocating 1-2 pages to abstract, keywords, introduction, related work and theory and 1-2 pages to methodology and preliminary results.
Senior researchers including PhD supervisors may be co-authors, but PhD students must be the lead author and present the abstract at the conference.
Students interested in participating in the DiHECO PhD Colloquium 2022 are requested to submit an extended abstract with the following information:
- An introduction to the research
- research motivations,
- research question and aim,
- theoretical background
- Method used
- Expected results
- Theoretical and managerial contributions
Please add 4-6 keywords and submit your abstracts as a pdf document in an anonymized form (without author/s information) via by September 5, 2022. Please note that late submissions or submissions that do not follow the requirements will not be considered.
On acceptance, you will receive further instructions for preparing for the colloquium.